President - Walt Halley 747-0165
Vice Presidents:
East - Sherry Guerra 747-9193
West - Ron Wyss 747-0433
Secretary - Barb Rice 747-5596
Treasurer - Tony Landon 747-6110
Board Members East Side:
Brian Seiy 747-1595
Dawn Seiy 747-1595
Judy Sterling 747-2281
Fred Ilnicki 478-5926
Alberta Ilnicki 478-5926
Lucille Nahrwold 747-2960
Board Members West Side:
Jean Wyss 747-6984
Doug Bohs 747-0322
Pam Thomas 747-1007
Dave Schlie 747-7702
Chris Hawkins 747-4852
Advertising for Garage Sale, Tony Landon
Christmas Contest, Pam Thomas & Lucille Nahrwold
Newsletter and Blog, Mel & Chris Hawkins
Refreshments for Meetings, Judy Sterling
Signs for Garage Sale & Meetings, Brian & Dawn Seiy
Welcome, Barbara Rice & Pam Trittipo (478-1539)
Yard of the Month, Jean Wyss