Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Lake Shores Community Association Newsletter

September 2012                                

Garage Sale
The Lake Shores Association Garage Sale will be held September 28th and 29th from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

Association Meeting
The Bi-Annual meeting of the Lakeshores Community Association is schedule for November 12, 2012 at 7:00 PM at the Avalon Missionary Church (on Premiere Dr). Topics will include:

Guest Speaker
Our speaker for the meeting will be Judge Ken Scheibenberger who is in charge of Drug House Ordinance Enforcement.

At this meeting the following board and officer positions are to be elected. President, Financial Secretary, and Vice-President along with three board positions on the west side and two board positions on the east side.

All individuals interested in serving as an officer or board member are encouraged to contact Walt Halley to get on the ballot.

2012 Association Dues
A number of residents have yet to pay their dues for the current year. The Association dues for 2012 are $25 and were due in January. If you have not yet paid your 2012 dues, please do so as soon as possible as they are past due. If you are not sure if you have paid, an asterisk next to you name on the mailing label of this newsletter indicates that dues have been paid.

A form for Dues payment has been provided at the end of this newsletter.

Tree Replacement
We will still have seven trees that we can replace. If you would like to have a tree, contact Walt Halley.

Welcome Committee
Pam Trittipo is the new chair person representing the west side on the Welcome Committee and Barb Rice remains the chair person representing the east side. If you are aware of new residents please notify Pam at 478-1539 or Barb at 747-5596.

Old Tires
If you have old tires, we now have a way to dispose of them. Please contact Walt Halley for information.

Help us save postage
Let us know if you would like to receive your newsletter by email.

The Lake Shore Community Blog
We have set up a blog to provide Lake Shores Residents with up-to-date news and information about the Lake Shores’ community. The blog can be found on the internet at:

Yard of the Month
Congratulations to this year’s winners of the Yard-of-the-Month Award.

East Side:

June –
            Larry and Lucy Dafforn
            6720 Winchester Road

            Dan and Terry Anderson
            6817 Heatherton Dr.

            Dan and Terri Maucher
            6814 Heatherton Dr.

West Side:

            Skip and Pam Sandels
            1515 Shoreview Dr.

            Tony and Pat Landon
            1320 Shoreview Dr.

            Bill and Kay Bailey
            1804 Lakewood Dr.

Thank You!
Thank you to whomever removed the orange paint from our “Lake Shores” sign.

Great neighbors are one of the things that make Lakes Shores a great place to live. Continue to look out for one another. As you take a walk on the nice days to come, stop and say hello, introduce yourself to neighbors you haven’t met. Also, remember that good neighbors take proper care of their pets; monitor their barking, clean up after them on your walks and be sure they are properly under control at all times. 

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Lake Shores Community Association Dues                                                Amount: $25.00

Name:                                                                                                                                      Due Jan/Feb 2012
Telephone Number:                                                     Email:
Name as Listed in the Directory:
Make checks payable to: Lake Shores Community Association and mail with this form to:               

_____ Check here if you wish to receive the Newsletter via email.

Lake Shores Community Association
Attn: LMN
1024 Shoreworth Trail
Fort Wayne, IN  46819

Lake Shores 2012 Calendar

Fall Garage Sale                                                                                                           Sep 28th & 29th

Bi-Annual General Association Meeting                                                                                  Nov 12th

Holiday Decorating Contest                                                                                        Dec 16th thru 22nd

Newsletters                                                                                                                  Four time per yr
                                                                                                                                    (Exceptions as needed)

Your Lake Shores Community Association Officers and Board Members
President:                     Walt Halley                  1525 Lakewood Drive             747-0165
East Vice President:    Vacant
West Vice President     Tony Landon               1320 Shoreview Drive             747-6110
Treasurer:                    Lucille Nahrwold         1024 Shoreworth Trail             747-2960
Secretary:                     Barb Rice                     1020 Crestway Drive               747-5596
Board Member East:
Brian Seiy                                1023 Shoreworth Trail             747-1595                                
Dawn Seiy                               1023 Shoreworth Trail             747-1595
Judy Sterling                            928 Clayburn Drive                 747-2281                    
                        Jim Johnson                             824 Ardis Drive                       747-9091
                        Carolyn Johnson                      824 Ardis Drive                                   747-9091                                                                    
Pam Thomas                            1725 Lakewood Drive             747-1007
                        Dave Schlie                             6716 Monterey Court              747-7702
Dan Wyss                                1606 Lakewood Drive             747-0883
                        Chris Hawkins                         1406 Shoreview Drive             747-4852
                        Doug Bohs                               1720 Lakewood Drive             747-0322

            Advertising for Garage Sale                 Tony Landon                          
            Christmas Contest                               Pam Thomas & Lucille Nahrwold
Newsletter and Blog                             Chris & Mel Hawkins
Refreshments for Meetings                  Judy Sterling
Signs for Garage Sale & Meetings        Brian & Dawn Seiy
Welcome                                             Barbara Rice & Pam Trittipo
Yard of the Month                               Dan Wyss


Wednesday, August 22, 2012


August 2012

East Side:

      Dan & Terri Maucher
      6814 Heatherton Dr.

West Side:

      Bill & Kay Bailey
      1804 Lakewood Dr.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Lake Shores Yard of the Month

                        July, 2012

East Side:
                Dan and Terry Anderson
                6817 Heatherton

West Side:
                Tony and Pat Landon
                1320 Shoreview Dr.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012



        Larry and Lucy Dafforn
        6720 Winchester Road


        Skip and Pam Sandels
        1515 Shoreview Drive


Fifteen trees, possibly more, are available to Lake Shores residents this coming fall. The City of Fort Wayne will plant them in the park strips. These trees are available on a first-come first-serve basis, whether or not you had an Ash tree removed. A number are already spoken for.  If you are interested, you need to contact Walt Halley at 747-0165 as soon as possible. The cut-off date is September 1st or whenever all trees are spoken for, whichever comes first.

Below is a list of the trees that have been deemed suitable for a neighborhood like ours and that we believe will be available:

American Linden
Littleleaf Linden
Sugar Maple
Freeman Maple
Red Maple (very limited and please note that this tree does not do well in clay)
Bloodgood London Plane
Hybrid Elms
Common Hackberry
Red Oak
Whit Oak
Bur Oak
English Oak
Swamp White Oak
Northern Pin Oak
Shingle Oak
Heritage Oak
Regal Prince Oak
Tulip Tree
Sweetgum (limited quantity)
Japanese Zelkova
Espresso Kentucky Coffee Tree
Chinquapin Oak
Northern Black Oak
European Hornbeam
American Hop Hornbeam

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

April 2012 Newsletter

Association Meeting
The next general meeting of the Lakeshores Community Association is schedule for April 23, 2012 at 7:00 PM at the Avalon Missionary Church (on Premiere Dr). Topics will include:

Broadview Florist Coupon Program
Association members who have paid their dues for 2012 will receive, by mail, a coupon for $10.00 off any purchase at Broadview. This coupon is good during the month of May only.

Guest Speakers
Our speakers for the meeting will be providing information of great interest to residents of our association. They are:

Kira Blacketor, a representative of Waste Management will be talking to us about the single-bin recycling program.

Detective Joseph Lyon, from Leads- on-Line, is a one man department with the Fort Wayne Police department. He coordinates efforts between the police department and pawn shops to help with the recovery of stolen items. He also works with citizens to help inventory their personal property in the event of loss by theft or fire.

2012 Association Dues
The Association dues for 2012 are $25 and were due in January. If you have not yet paid your 2012 dues, please do so as soon as possible as they are past due. If you are not sure if you have paid, an asterisk next to you name on the mailing label of this newsletter indicates that dues have been paid.
A form has been provided at the end of this newsletter.

Tree Replacement
We will be getting a minimum of 15 trees over and above what the city has already provided. We are working to get even more. We need to know if you would like one of the new trees as they become available. Please contact one of the board members.
 Please note:
Now that the growing season is here, the young trees will require care on the part of the residents. When the weather turns hot, each tree needs to be watered twice per week with five gallons of water each time. If one of the newly planted trees dies, please notify the association. The trees are guaranteed for one year and will be replaced if the city receives timely notification.

Officer Joshua Franciscy, Police liaison for the Lake Shores Community Association, continues to be in contact with our Association’s President with updates on crime and other information of interest to our neighborhood.

Help us save postage
Let us know if you would like to receive your newsletter by email.

The Lake Shore Community Blog
We have set up a blog to provide Lake Shores Residents with up-to-date news and information about the Lake Shores’ community. The blog can be found on the internet at:

If you do not have a computer, you can access the blog using the computers available, free of charge, at the Waynedale Library or any of the other branches of the Allen County Public Library. Don’t be shy! Ask one of the librarians to help you. The blog also offers you the opportunity to post comments or questions.

New Residents and Empty Houses
If someone new moves into the neighborhood please make sure to notify the Welcome Committee Veda Klug (747-4457) west side and Barb Rice (747-5596) east side.

Also, notify any board member if you become aware of houses that have become vacant.

 Good Neighbors Make
Great Neighborhoods!
Great neighbors are one of the things that make Lakes Shores a great place to live. Continue to look out for one another. As you take a walk on the nice days to come, stop and say hello, introduce yourself to neighbors you haven’t met. Also, remember that good neighbors take proper care of their pets; monitor their barking, clean up after them on your walks and be sure they are properly under control at all times. 

Put your trash and recycle bins out as late in the day as possible. Remove from the curb as soon as possible after they have been emptied. Remember to leave a 3 foot clearance between the cart and any other object, including other trash bins, mail boxes, trees, vehicles etc. According to the City of Fort Wayne’s Solid Waste Management guidelines, “Heavy furniture and non-Freon appliances are to be placed with the regular garbage for collection. These large items will be collected the following day with a different truck. It is not necessary to call 311 for bulk items.” Do call 311 if the item is not picked up the next day.  

Monday, March 26, 2012

Turn the Town Pink

"Throughout the month of May, Fort Wayne Neighborhoods, businesses, city departments and the public will team up to proudly show their support for the fight against breast cancer. The pink ribbons you see are part of The Vera Bradley Foundation is sponsoring Breast Cancer's Annual Turn the Town Pink Events to rais funds for breast cancer research at the Indiana University Simon Cancer Center.

The Foundation is "seeking additional individuals who are interested in coordinating a Pink Ribbon Campaign in their neighborhood this spring. It is simple and fun for neighborhoods to get involved. We will supply information and order forms. You can email them to your residents, or we can supply hard copies for distribution. We need key volunteers in each neighborhood to collect the orders and deliver the ribbon kits. As part of the campaign we also need volunteers to help assemble the ribbon kits. The kit assembly will be organized into fun Vera Bradley 'workdays' at one of the Vera Bradley locations or at a committee member's home."

The deadline for signing up for our neighborhood has passed, but anyone wishing to get involved is invited to contact the Vera Bradley Foundation at or at (260) 207-5105.

The Great American Cleanup

Thursday, February 16, 2012

February 2012 Newsletter

Association Meeting
The next general meeting of the Lakeshores Community Association is schedule for April 23, 2012 at the Avalon Missionary Church (on Premiere Dr). Topics of discussion will include:

Broadview Dirt and Flower Program
Some changes are anticipated in the way this popular program works, so come to the meeting to learn what those changes will be. Also, remember that this great program is only available to dues-paying residents of the Association.

Guest Speaker
A representative of Waste Management will be talking to us about the single-bin recycling program.

2012 Association Dues
The Association dues for 2012 are $25 and were due in January. If you have not yet paid your 2012 dues, please do so as soon as possible. A form has been provided at the end of this newsletter.

Tree Removal & Replacement
Although the city has completed the current round of tree removal and replanting, the stump removal is still underway. After the stumps are removed they will be filled with dirt and grass seed will be planted.

The young trees that have been planted will require care on the part of the residents after the growing season begins. Each tree needs to be watered twice per week with five gallons of water each time. If one of the newly planted trees dies, please notify the association. They are guaranteed for one year and will be replaced if the city receives timely notification.

Police Patrols
Officer Joshua Franciscy, Police liaison for the Lake Shores Community Association, recently talked with Association President, Walt Halley. Franciscy stated that the police are routinely patrolling our neighborhood, both day and night. He also said that, while there have been no recent break-ins reported in Lake Shores, other neighborhoods are reporting thefts from unlocked vehicles. Lake Shores' residents, whose cars are parked on our streets or in the driveways, are encouraged to keep their vehicles locked.

The Lake Shore Community Blog
We have set up a blog to provide Lake Shores Residents with up-to-date news and information about the Lake  Shores’ community. The blog can be found on the internet at:

If you do not have a computer, you can access the blog using the computers available, free of charge; at the Waynedale Library or any of the other branches of the Allen County Public Library. Don’t be shy! Ask one of the librarians to help you. The blog also offers you the opportunity to post comments or questions. We will try to bring new information to you as soon as it is available so that you are not dependent on just the newsletter or word-of-mouth.

New Residents and Empty Houses
If someone new moves into the neighborhood please make sure to notify the Welcome Committee (Veda Klug 747-4457).

Also, notify any board member if you become aware of houses that become vacant.

Holiday Decorations
The winners of the Holiday Decoration Contest are:

East Side:
  • 1st Place to Jason and Audra Sartain at 934 Ardis
  • 2nd Place t Ralph and Sandy Tuttle at 1036 Aylesford
  • 3rd Place to Thomas and Michele Howe at 1035 Crestway

West Side:
  • 1st Place to Herman and Patty Berghoff at 7002 Corline
  • 2nd Place to Gary and Betty Markley at 6735 Hiltonia
  • 3rd Place to Bruce and Deb Hall at 1704 Lakewood

Thanks to all Good Neighbors
Just a reminder that good neighbors look out for one another so if you haven’t seen a neighbor in a while, check in on them to make certain they are okay.  A special thank you to those of you who shovel their sidewalks and driveways and especially to those who lend a hand to neighbors who need it. Also, remember that good neighbors take proper care of their pets.

According to the Ordinances of the City of Fort Wayne, “all dogs and cats must be under the physical control of the owner when off the owner’s property. Their excrement must be removed immediately. . . .

With respect to barking dogs, the Ordinance reads: “No person shall allow an animal to bark, yelp, whine, howl, . . . continuously for 15 minutes or for a total of 20 minutes in a one hour period.


Lake Shores 2012 Calendar

Bi-annual General Association Meeting                                   April 23rd

Spring Garage Sale                                                                April 27th & 28th
Flower & Dirt – Broadview                                                    May, 2012

Yard of the Month                                                                 Jun, Jul & Aug

Fall Garage Sale                                                                    Sep 28th & 29th

Bi-Annual General Association Meeting                                  Nov 12th

Holiday Decorating Contest                                                    Dec 16th thru 22nd

Newsletters                                                                           Four time per yr
                                                                                         (Exceptions as needed)

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Stump Removal and Winter Safety

Stump removal has begun in Lake Shores. How quickly it will be finished, now that winter has finally decided to come, remains to be seen.

Now that snow is on the ground, be alert for ice underneath, which makes for dangeous driving, walking and jogging. Neighbors are encouraged to do their best to keep sidewalks clear and don't be shy about offering help to a neighbor who needs it.

Also, if you are following the blog, your comments are always welcome. Please tell your neighbors about the blog, as well. The more it is used the more useful it will be. You can also follow the blog. There are two followers at present. The Google Blog software allows messaging between blog members so ask your friends to follow it, too.

Be safe!!