Monday, November 28, 2011

Association Meeting of November 14, 2011

A general meeting of the Lakeshores Community Association took place at 7:00 PM on November 14th at the Avalon Missionary Church:

Election of Officers and Board Members
Given that all candidates were unopposed, the following individuals were appointed: Walt Halley as the new President; Tony Landon as Vice President of the west side. Jim and Carolyn Johnson have accepted appointment to the two vacant board positions from the east side. The position of Vice President of the east side remains vacant at this time. Residents interested in serving are encouraged to contact Walt Halley.

Community Harvest Food Bank
A motion was approved to donate $300 to the Community Harvest Food Bank during this holiday season. Community Harvest Food Bank helps supply other local food banks such as those at Avalon Missionary Church and St. Therese Catholic Church.

Waynedale Community Picnic
A motion was also approved to donate $200 to this event at the Waynedale Park in August of 2012.

Radon Kits
It was announced that Radon Test Kits are available, free of charge, through a federal program. Please contact our President: Walt Halley at 747-0165.

With the help of local attorney and Lake Shores resident, Josh Turkow, the Association was successful getting both Lake Shores and the Winterset additions rezoned from RP to R1. This will help assure the preservation of our neighborhoods as a “single-family-dwelling” community. Thank you to those who attended the meeting of the Board of Zoning Appeals. The Board was impressed with our turnout.

The Lake Shores Community Blog
We have set up a blog to provide Lake Shores residents with up-to-date information about the Lake Shores community and its board of officers and directors. The blog can be found on the internet at:

If you do not have a computer, you can access the blog using the computers available, free of charge, at the Waynedale Library. Don’t be shy! Ask one of the librarians to help you. The blog also offers you the opportunity to post comments or questions. We will try to bring new information to you as soon as it is available so that you are not dependent on just the newsletter or word-of-mouth.

Ash Tree Removal
The city’s ash tree removal program continues. It was reported that the city will be coming back around to remove stumps. The city is planning to replace only [50 or 60] percent of the trees that have been removed. We can pay for the replacement of additional trees and the Board is planning to seek CEDIT funds to replace an additional ten trees. Whether or not we want to replace additional trees with funds from the Association treasury is a subject for discussion.

Other News
You may be aware of increased police patrols in our area. Recently, there have been break-ins of homes in our neighborhood. All neighbors are encouraged to take extra precautions to secure their homes and to be alert to unusual activities in the neighborhood. If you feel you are in immediate danger, do not hesitate to call 911.

Holiday Decorations
Just a reminder that the judging of holiday decorations will take place December 15 - 21. Prizes are: 1st Place - $100;
2nd Place
- $50; and
3rd Place
- $25. Prizes are awarded for both the east and west sides.

Annual Association Dues

Association dues in the amount of $25.00 are due in January of 2012. These dues are important and enable the Association to serve the residents of our community. A Benefits that flow to dues-paying residents include:

  • Plant and Dirt program through Broadview Florist & Greenhouse
  • Printing and mailing the Lake Shores Community Association Newsletter
  • Printing and mailing the Association Directory
  • The bi-annual garage sale: advertising and signs
  • Prize awards to both the Yard of the Month and Holiday Decoration winners both of which reward residents who work hard to keep our neighborhood beautiful
  • Recording of association by-laws
  • The dues also enabled us to successfully seek a rezoning of out neighborhood from RP to R1

Future projects under consideration:

  • Replacement of trees over-and-above what the city will do.
  • Combining the restrictive covenants of the various parts of Lake Shores
  • Investigation into the feasibility of using public funds to construct a sound barrier along the Airport Expressway

We urge you to be dues-paying members of the Association. Please note that failure to pay dues could result in a lien against your property in the event you choose to sell your home.